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  • Writer's pictureBrandywine Bulldogs


Hello all new to our Brandywine Bulldogs Following! I would like you to meet Trixie.

She is one of our productions from our stunning pair, Maximus and Ollie! She is the spitting image of her mama, whom we are so proud of! Pictured below:

Maximus (sire)

Ollie (dam)

Trixie is a lovely girl, in a beautiful brindle coat. She loves people, and will give an extra dose of affection to the one with her food bowl ;)

She loves to cuddle, play in the yard, hop on the couch, and SLEEP. The bulldog temperament is laid back and calm! Lazy would be the human word for it, but the dogs call it “chill.”

There is something so sturdy and friendly about the English Bulldog. They are like rocks! This is one reason we completely recommend them as family dogs, and ideal for young children! They will not come charging through a room, knocking down any infant in their path. We have our Bullies up and about with all ages. They love the attention a one-year-old- bestows them. The hard pats, pulled ears and hair the baby gives, only make the dog soak in the extra attention, and befriend said baby all the more!

Their stocky, muscular bodies are immovable often if you try to tug and pull them about. But it merely takes squatting down and calling them in that high-pitched “Here boy! Here girl!“ for them to leave every resisting muscle behind, and come running, ears back, rear wagging! Completely and totally submitted. All they need is love!

I think It’s because they cannot see into your eyes (due to a plethora of wrinkles) that they often are stubborn. It’s as if they are saying, “stop pulling me about! Look me in the eye, and say it to me straight. Then I cannot help but obey your commands!” I think it is a plausible explanation!

What endearing dogs these are. Everyone needs a companion, and the bulldog will be a strong and steady one.

Reach out to us either through email, phone, or on social media to see how you can get yourself one of these rolly pollies! Trixie is here waiting for you!!

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